Phone sex

Naughty Neighbor phone sex 

When my naughty neighbor hired me as a caterer for his party I had no idea how hard it was. You had to serve the food in the right order, remember who was allergic to what, and fuck whatever else. If you ask me too many people think too much about what they are stuffing in their mouths. If I had my way they would be stuffing some of my pussy creams into their tummies! But this is not my party and for once I am trying to be professional.

naughty neighbor phone sex when I realize what card I pulled out. Its one for my nanny moilbe. I can tell you at parties like this they fly out of my hand like hot pussy! No pun intended! Naughty Neighbor phone sex is the best you have ever had.

Naughty Neighbor phone sex

This guy kisses the card and puts it in his lapel. A bitch gets the card and lets out a loud snort. It’s funny that I didn’t see her throw my card on the floor! I take a mental note of that and go back in the kitchen to get desserts. Luckily for me, my catering boss is outside dragging on a cigarette. That means he won’t be harassing me about whats not done in the kitchen. I can’t complain as a neighbor he’s pretty cool. I adjust one of my bra straps when I see some hands circle my waist.

I am all for the element of surprise so I don’t bother to see who it is. His hands are circling my tiny huggers hard and rough. Apparently, this must be one of Daddy’s from my nanny mobile. I bend over letting him take my pussy. But he doesn’t do that. Instead, he whisks me around and pushes me down on his man balls! I could tell you who it was but I am sure you guessed by naughty neighbor by now! By the time the desserts went out my pussy was full of cream pie! It sure was the best stuffing of the night!