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Deviant Phone Sex

Every deviant phone sex bitch plots before acting! Its nothing to me to walk up to someone in the middle of the daytime and shoot their brains out. I love to see the fear in the motherfuckers nearby when I do that. If they get too nosey, they will find themselves killed also. I don’t have time for bitches, so I don’t date anyone. Besides in my line of work getting too attached can be deadly. That doesn’t mean I don’t take the time to keep my pussy greased with cum. deviant phone sex

Most of the times its someone that I need to drop. Right now I am relaxing at this party, and this target has no idea he’s going to need a tombstone soon. I might as well please myself on his cock before I take him out. His dick is ripe enough anyway. I know that because he’s been rubbing up against me all fucking night long. It wasn’t time for his demise, so I have been teasing him. A little whiff from the killing snatch and he wanted to take a ride!

Deviant Phone Sex

Once he got so close that I had to squeeze his balls to get him the fuck away from me. The asshole appreciated that and came back to grab me again. That’s when I took out my knife ready to dice a little. Sometimes motherfuckers don’t take a hint. Smiling at him coyly, I was prepared to go fuck him in the bathroom and then find a quick way to get rid of his body. Before I could make a move to another accomplice, I am familiar with showed up. We had tag teamed and murdered before. Catching her eye, we both stared at the bastard we wanted to take out. When we both had his cock in our sights, we snipped and popped the bitch off together! It was the best squirting and death scene I have had to date. I am checking my data now for the next hit!