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Crossdressing phone sex

Are you ready for a transformation that will have men at your feet? Well, my crossdressing phone Crossdressing phone sexsex is nothing to take lightly. It gets my blood flowing to see bitches doing what they are told for my entertainment. Don’t you worry I won’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do? The first thing is to make you want it. So, come on over and drop to those knees I want to see those pearly whites. While that mouth is open, I have you take that first cock. Horny guys love sissies and when they are looking fine is when they get the most action. It is so easy to take things up a notch and dress you in head to toe in pink satin.

Above anything, you have to know your place with me. If I ask you to do something, then you need to follow directions and do it. I know you are eager to serve and there is just something about this crossdressing phone sex that makes your clitty so hard. Disobeying my order comes with severe consequences, and you will suffer my wrath so pray that I am in a good mood. If I’m in a foul mood, I will watch out there is no end to the suffering I may inflict on you. Those days of being humble are over. Maybe you need a girlie day, and we have a wonderful time playing dress up and such. We get down and dirty talking about all the things that boyz out.

Once I answer that phone be prepared to talk about anything girlie. Never forget you are my little bitch and you are sole purpose is to make me happy. Don’t forget to grab your toys you never know what I have in store for my crossdressing phone sex bitch.

crossdressing phone sex