ABDL phone sex, Adult baby phone sex, Adult diapers phone sex, fantasy phone sex, humiliation phone sex, Hunter phone sex blog, MILF phone sex, Mommy phone sex

ABDL phone sex time to cuddle

ABDL phone sexHere you are a sissy wearing a diaper looking for your ABDL phone sex mommy to help. Mommy knows it all. Your wife has no idea you love to wear panties if she only knew. Now, this mommy is going to help and has big plans for you and that diaper fetish that you have. First, I sit there watching and waiting for you to be humiliated enough to ask for my assistance. We do some age play regression. Where you are born and forced to wear diapers. I mean, look at you sucking that pacifier. You do look adorable.

ABDL phone sex

Then we move on to dressing you in adult ones. It is so cute to have your mommy here and your stuffed animal, Freddie. Come right over, and nuzzle up to my chest as I get you a bottle. Again this ABDL phone sex can be very therapeutic, as I feed you, I feel the attraction between us. When you dirty your diaper, rest assured that I will pamper you and play pattycake. This is precisely what you need a good dose of mommy.

When you are all dry, we can snuggle in Mommy’s king-size bed, and I might even let you breastfeed a little. You smell so good with the baby powder and wipes I used. Now let’s snuggle a little more and make some cummies for me. I’m ready to help stroke that little clitty in your diaper. Every diaper boy needs a short Mommy story before you go night night. No one else can give you what you need that’s why ABDL phone sex is really for you. I see what a big baby you are, it’s time to put your feelings at ease and come and come into your comfort zone. Now it’s all up to you, and I’m ready to take you on a ride of humiliating phone sex you will never forget.