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 Came home early to find my little brother fucking his skanky girlfriend on my bed. Her big tits bouncing as she rode him makes her Trailer park phone sexthe high-price trailer trash phone sex.   Now that just right pissed me off, so I started bitchin’! Serious as a heart attack, that lil whore pushes me down and my skirt up. She wrestles me down and calls me a  P Mommy. No way is this little slut going to be on top, so I roll onto her, fixin’ to show her just what a horny hillbilly P-mommy I am. I thought to myself, you stupid fuckers, Ya’ bought myself a five-gallon bucket, a whoop-ass! I put my watermelon moonshine down- and it was on!!  So I gave her a full-on Judy Chop right to the titty!  I told her right out – Don’t corner something meaner than you.

I reckon my brother doesn’t seem to like how I have his girlfriend’s face in my pussy, pressed against my wet Walmart panties (no joke! My horny pregnant cunt gets wetter than my oldest youngin’s slip-n slide) and her arms pinned back trailer trash phone sex. He grabbed me from behind, both hands reaching for my tits, pulling me towards him. I was truly lovin’ the feel of his hard big brother dick against my bare ass.

He was still naked, and my skirt was still lifted from his skankbag first move. But then, quick as lightnin’, I felt my panties being pulled down and to the left a bit, and then I felt her tongue. It was busier with my clit than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest!! I nearly nutted right then when my kinky incest phone sex shoved his fingers into my asshole, and his young girlfriend licked my cunt like it was her last meal!

Trailer park phone sex

This bitch is nasty.  Just nasty. She goes around battin’ her eyes like a toad in a hailstorm, thinking that makes her sexy! HA!!!  I heard that her twat smelled like a rhino fart, And- not that I will be judgin’, but she is a bit on the chunky side! She has more chins than a Chinese phone book. Rumor is, she has a severe case of saber-tooth crotch crickets too, but Im not one for gossipin’; what done in the trailer park stays in the park. As I said before, a horny guy will stick his dick in any warm wet hole if the best piece of pussy  (me!) aint lurking around….

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