There is no doubt that I am the hottest piece of ass you are ever going to find. I am easy on the eyes and all your friend’s mind fuck me whenever they see me. From beauty queen to trophy wife phone sex I am the best you are going to get! You knew that from the moment you saw me that you could never please me. That didn’t stop you from marrying me. I only agreed because of your net worth. Other than that, you are a loser there is no doubt that when you go out to work, I’m going to be going out. While you’re working hard, I’m out fucking your friends. When we met you showered me with tons of lavish gifts. I knew you were spending your whole paycheck on me.
All that was in hopes that you would impress me. Now, all it did was show me much of a loser you really were. Men like you are a dime a dozen. All men want a piece of this trophy wife phone sex. When you come home, I spread my legs and wait for you to clean me up. Only. The deal was I be his little show candy, and you licked me clean. I spend your money like it’s made on trees. My beauty is gold. I’m the best thing around, and you know it.
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One night I met a guy that was a total freak like me. He wanted to have you watch if I only knew what he had in store. As he laid me on the bed, he fucked me like it was first fuck he had. Then when you started to lick me out, he got behind you and slammed that 8 inch cock right in. Who knew that you turn out to be a little bitch. If you want to be my next slut then come on over I am single and looking for my future husband.