The call still fresh `in my mind how I took this degenerate to the cleaners. With my forced intoxication phone sex. Once I had him drunk, he would do whatever necessary to extend my forced intoxication phone sex session with me. My calls are harsh, involving lots of alcohol and cash. With each drink, I take your money until you have none left. Those who know me know that I can’t get enough of forcing you to drink and tell me the most intimate things.
Mercy has no place here. I am certainly better than any wife you think that you have. Every drink brings you that much closer to fulfilling my own personal destiny. You are my slave, and you are here for a reason, mostly because I am in charge. I’ll have you kneeling on the floor, opening your mouth, awaiting those tasty ribbons of cum. That little clitty will be so hard and begging to leak out into your sissy panties. Then I have you where I want you forcing you to take a drink. Gulp gulp now where are you? Sitting at home in your panties drunk with a mistress taking your money, and when that ends, I’ll send you over to Craiglist.
forced intoxication phone sex
That’s right; I’ll whore your drunk ass out. You are the biggest cum dumpster around. Those men will abuse you and fuck your whole body. From humiliating outfits to sucking cock you will find your proper place. As you sit there, I whisper into your ear the verbal abuse you need, followed by a drink right from the bottle. Then back to sucking cock for you. Go on, suck those big black studs as your life depended on it. Between you, I, and those cock, there won’t be a dry cock in the house.