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Sissy phone sex

Shhh oh, you don’t have to say a word. I know why you are here and it’s time that we got right into this sissy phone sex. You’re jealous of my femininity and long to be just like me! I have curves in all the sissy phone sexright places and body that would put any sissy in a right mind to hunger for me. Most sissies refer to me as an idol and you know they are right I am. I’m the picture-perfect picture of a mistress that can help with your transformation. I take these training sessions seriously. From top to bottom I will make you want to be like me more and more.

Sissy phone sex

I have cocks waiting for you to practice on. Wearing those sissy clothes make you want to call me more. I’m here to help you manifest the proper way to become a sissy slut. When I am ready you will be a slut from head to do with an endless amount of cocks to fuck. How long have you been feminine? Was it from a young age when you went and stole panties and dresses? Maybe your mommy forced you to be the girl she never had. I can help with those feelings too. Let’s get you all dolled and then see where we can tuck the little clit. That’s what sissy phone sex is all about.

So many things we must do to get you started makeup instructions, cocksucking phone sex practice Tuck and dress. I would love to teach you in all ways to be a feminine woman. Allow me to help get your fantasy off the ground and transform you. There is an exquisite art of being a woman, and it takes a lot of training and skills to accommodate. That isn’t a worry for you I know how to complete it all.
Now call sissy mistress Ireland today.