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Sissy boy phone sex

Oh, I see your back at it again trying to be a real girlie-girl still. Haven’t you learned you couldn’t keep going back and forth you sissy boy phone sexknow what you are really there is no hiding your feminization phone sex? While you try to tell the world, you are a man I know what your sincere desires are that is to be a sissy boy phone sex. all sissies have that special place that holds all your girlie things. When the wife goes away, the little sissy comes out to play. Now that the ban will be lifted know she won’t be home so through the day tick-tock clock. Until it’s time to call your mistress.

sissy boy phone sex

Frilly satiny things and lace is something that you crave so much when you call me I show you who you really are. From head to toe, I transform you with a little hint of lavender you are picture-perfect. Just think a tight little pussy dressed like a slut makes those men go wild. Now all you need is for me to teach how to suck cock and you will be set for my sissy boy phone sex.

With my sissy training, I will give you plenty of assignments that we can do together. As feminization phone sex, you won’t believe this is indeed who you are meant to be.

What assignment will you do first?
*Practice your girlie voice
*Walking in heels
*makeup lessons
*Online shopping
*Department store browsing
*Glory hole fun
So many more.

All these proper lessons will help make you into the perfect sissy boy. From a man to a girlie all it takes is some calls from me, and you will be set. Now how do you want to dress today? As always until your training is done it will be just between us girlies.