Its that time again that the rent is due. This mother-daughter phone sex is ready to do whatever it takes to get that rent paid. I’ve done some the nastiest things even whored out my daughter Brenda. That little slut is a chip off the old block she knows how to get those cocks hard and cumming. Its no wonder between her and me that we can make rent and more. Don’t judge me because I pimp out my whore. It keeps a roof over our head and keeps my needs filled.
This fucking landlord is like clockwork coming over to pound on my door. He damn well knows I am wearing nothing but my robe. He sure knows how to get under my skin waving this five-day notice in my face knowing damn well I don’t have the money. Before I know it, he has me in my house pinned me up against the wall his hands all over me telling me to give him my daughter or he will go through me out. I call my daughter down and ask her to get ready to ease his throbbing p-daddy cock. I get right down sucking on his balls thinking about the next man I am going to fuck to get the rent I need.
Mother-daughter phone sex
Doing this mother-daughter phone sex is a sure way to get an extension on my rent. For each time we get him to cum is another day I get to stay. We do this every month just like clockwork. He acts like it’s an inconvenience to fuck us but deep down I know he’s glad that we don’t have it so he can cum from some strange.
It’s lucky that my landlord likes some extreme family fun. My daughter makes his p-cock feel so good and that she moans like a little whore just like I used to do. So bring it on over don’t forget your wallet this whore needs to pay her rent.