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Mommy fetish phone sex Mothers day fantasy

With it being Mother’s Day, what better way to get all that mommy-fetish phone sex completely out of your system? So when was the day Mommy fetish phone sexyou found that secret stash of naughty Polaroids of Mommy? How many times did that photo get your cock hard? It’s probably no secret you have jerked off to me multiple times. Now, i’m sure you understand I’ve been nothing but strict to you, a total authority mommy figureYou will get turned on by my presence. Standing so close to makes your young cock so hard. All you daydream about is me taking advantage of you. The idea of me nurturing you stroking that hair makes you want to slide that cock inside of me. 

 what you don’t know I have those fantasies too. Yes, I want to control and press you up against my busty breasts. So I am the mommy you come to when you know you have been bad.  I will punish or nurture you for what you did. I will determine what I will apply to you based on what naughty thing you want. Now I love role-playing all kinds of mommy-fetish phone sex stories. My hands are soft, and I love seeking your warm body. Won’t you come to mommy? 

Mommy fetish phone sex

 Maybe you prefer to be punished. I have a strong arm where I can release all my pent-up anger on your little ass. You are not going to cum without me telling you that you can cum. mommy is in full control. I do not care how horny your dirty tiny dick is!!!  you will not spill your jizz until I want you to spill it. Mommy is horny. I want it all inside me. don’t you want to satisfy your mommy? It’s time to find out how erotic a sexual experience will be on the other side. Give me a call and let me show you. 

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