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Humiliation phone sex no taboo

Humiliation phone sex is a huge turn-on for me, as I’m sure it is for you too! Do you want to know what I enjoy doing? I mean, humiliation phone sexlet’s get down and nasty. Well, by the looks of my past blogs, you could probably guess that I’m into cultivating little bitches. Degrading them is quite fun. That gets my cunt hot! And I’m sure that excites you and maybe even a little curious.

There is nothing more precious than taking a life. My calls are harsh, but they are exactly what you need. Thick, dirty, and oh so nasty. Hearing them die makes my cunt dripping wet, and think about it before you know we will be alone with her awaiting our next adventure.

I bet you would love to watch me get brutal on a young one. I would love to see you help yourself to some of that, too! There’s no stopping me when I’m in the mood for humiliation. I want to degrade the little one so much that it’s so unbearable for her! Hahaha, yeah, I know I’m pretty evil. But you and I think alike, and so I think we should put our heads together for some humiliating phone sex.

Humiliation phone sex

Think of all the crazy shit we can do together!! Nothing is too taboo when it comes to having a bit of fun. All you have to do is give me that call. A perfect little body, an innocent face, the softest skin…is there anything else you could ever want? Let’s do it if you’re willing to go far like me. Little cuties are out there just waiting for us to get our hands on them! Let’s not waste precious time, shall we? Talk is cheap, but screams are forever. I hope to satisfy those dirty little desires.

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