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blackmail phone sex its all a game

Here piggy piggy piggy. Oh, there you are that’s right get right on your knees. What an excellent little pet you are. blackmail phone sexWho says you can’t teach an old pig new tricks. I have you right where I want you those pathetic small balls in a vice. How much can I blackmail phone sex you for? Oh yes go ahead and wince while I take pictures of your little predicament that you have weaseled yourself into my hardcore financial domination.

Maybe I should send these pictures to that joint Facebook account that you share? Or maybe have these hand delivered to one the brats right after school? Hmm oh, now I see the look in your eyes. How much do I get? Don’t worry I won’t take it all yet!! I do things for my amusement you work so I don’t have too. I’ll send you so much that you think that you will break but you won’t. This type of Phone Sex isn’t something you just snap your fingers and start. It’s an intimate invasion into your deepest desires. I pluck at themblackmail phone sex until I have everything I need to ruin you.

Blackmail phone sex

I get off on playing out these elaborate fantasies. Where I humiliate and expose you to everyone that you know. How far will I push well it depends on what your card limit is. First off I don’t take no for an answer. I know how to push all your buttons. I’ll start by hanging you upside down and draining just keeping you hanging there till I am finished with you. If that isn’t enough, I have all the information I need to ruin your pathetic married life. Think you can handle my blackmail phone sex call me and see.

This isn’t a game your life is in my hands.