Billy wanted to try something different. Like all men, he was curious about sucking cock. I mean, we all have one, and just the thought of having it deep in his mouth for cocksucking phone sex seemed to be so exciting. Tonight, I am going to show you how this tranny is going to rock your world. I promise you won’t be able to get enough of me.
My cock is more than just flesh. It’s a loaded weapon that needs your mouth. You will see why men have a secret fetish for trannies like me. Cocksucking phone sex is just the start, then it moves right to anal fucking, and of course, you are cumming so hard. Now I have to admit I am a bit filthy, and my cock is going to fill you up. Sex with me has no limits and will blow your mind about how hard that I cum. It’s natural to be a bit bi-curious around me. I have a killer body and points to back it up. No one should fault you. I understand all your desires and fetishes. This is in no way a one-way street. I love cocksucking phone sex just as much as you. Nothing makes me hotter than sucking a cock for the first time.
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My lips are ready to suck on that long shaft. Just thinking about it gets me hot. Come on over and let me show how this tranny loves to deep throat. Get ready because you are about to be in ecstasy with this cock sucking phone sex.
After this, Billy will never be the same again. He will keep coming back time after time. I can’t get enough of draining his balls. When Billy is ready, I will show him what all around the world is all about; his body will thank me. The only thing you have to do is think about where you want to cum? Maybe it is on my tranny tits or deep in my ass; the choice is all yours.
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