Its time you learned that your place is here with me and my bdsm phone sex. I am going to give a whole world of pain mixed with so much pleasure that you won’t be able to move. This isn’t some dispatch service when you call you to get your domination phone sex mistress. We can explore all your pathetic little fantasies and more. If you fail me, your experience will be a short one. I am the one in charge, not you. Now your pain is my pleasure with a paddle in my hand you will see what I have in store. I am experienced in all forms of Domination. It ranges from severe to sensual you will fall under my spell. Your ass is my property. I will fuck it with whatever I want.
I have you bent over! Your ass a pleasant shade of red and bondage is all about. Now its time to spread you out on an st Andrews cross and let the fun began. A lot of people have the wrong impression of me. Just because I am a beautiful woman, I can’t be in control. Trust me that is far from the truth. Whipping you into shape is my specialty! I want to leave scorched marks all over your body. The way I treat you is totally acceptable for bdsm phone sex. You wouldn’t know what to do with my velvety soft, wet pussy, so I take my frustrations out on you. You need a strict Mistress with a firm policy of domination phone sex. I’ll have you on your knees, begging for forgiveness! With each prayer, I leave marks all over your back.
Bdsm phone sex
I’ll make you regret all of the things that you ever thought about me. I’m going to make you take huge, thick cocks and dildos, that I keep in my special toy box! Oh yes, it’s going right up your fuckin’ ass! I’ll accommodate your power exchange and make you cum harder than ever. There are no limits when it comes to BDSM phone sex.