Let’s face it you love sex just as much as I do so its only natural that we engage in mutual masturbation phone sex. Its late at night, of course, I’m all alone again my moans wake you all you can think about is something is wrong. As you stand there I lay back pleasuring myself with dildo. The longer you stare the more your cock gets so hard. The thought of you stroking your cock right there as I am getting off is so hot. I call you over as I catch you stroking it. That was all it took.
Come right on over and tell me what you want to do to me. While you are stroking that cock while we watch some kinky porn. I laid there begging you to touch me and make me feel like a woman. Once we entangle exploring each other’s bodies, the pleasures start to come out. While you rub my clit, I suck so hard on that cock. My cunt is so dripping wet that I need you inside of me. Forget all the things you’ve done before.
I am going to teach you how to do this mutual masturbation phone sex. My hand wraps around that cock stroking it so good. Back and forth and up over that hard cock rubbing that precum all over that spongy head. You press my head further down making me take you so deeply. It’s just only a matter of time.
Just feeling that hard cock and hearing that sloshing sound of my dripping wet pussy. Makes me want to please you any way possible. Now, what are you waiting for my body is ready to take whatever you give me whether it’s a little head or a good hard fucking masturbation is where it’s at.