Once you have a tranny phone sex nothing else will do. I’m the only thing you will think about all the time. Though I can’t blame you my cock is so satisfying that even the most influential man will fall victim to me. I know your needs even before you do as I have a cock also. Nothing can satisfy you more than someone else with another cock. The way I tease you will drive you insane its like I was born to please you.
There is something about tranny phone sex that you can’t get it out of your head. I tell you there is nothing else like it in the world. With your mouth wrapped around my cock and playing with those tits, your cock is so hard. My touch is enough to make you cum. There isn’t a man out there that doesn’t fall in love once he sees my cock. I knew you would be no different. Come on over and become obsessed with it too.
I want you to desire me and beg me to do the direst things to you. Sometimes I get off knowing how much you crave me. You can spy on me through the windows and more, but you look it’s understandable that you need me. Your secret is out about how much you love chicks with dicks.
Men that come here are looking for something different maybe a little cock on the side. I can spread my pussy lips open wide and take one right in my mouth. My cock is harder than ever thinking about all the tranny phone sex we can do. So many men can’t seem to take their eyes off me knowing I have everything turns them on. Tell me what you would do for a woman who walks by flaunting her ass and sexy legs? Just come right on over and feel how I am to help you with that bulge between your legs.