Do you want me to bend over for Anal Phone Sex ?I have this huge store of fantasies that involve my professors. Some are so explicit that I should kneel in front of the altar and ask forgiveness for. But you know that’s not where this blog is going.
If I asked for Jesus to baptize me and forgive it’s going to be while I am covered in his cum! Anyway back to the naughty teachers that helped get this school year started.
Their fleshy rods have been going in and out of my mouth all day. So much so that I have a little bit of cum milk still dripping from my nose hair. That’s because they kept smacking me with their meat hangers all morning. You have to remember that all the professors here happen to be priests. So it’s not like I am sinning all that much.
Anal Phone Sex
I mean I am doing the “Lord’s work” by offering my fucking teen pussy to these starving men! Don’t you think that’s what he would want me to do? So it was only right that I would open my ass so these poor lonely fucks could partake of my ass! These bitches didn’t waste much time. They ate what I gave them.
It’s naughty I know that. But I would rather have these fuckers raping my ass then wasting the “seed of God” in their rooms. These fuckers are always so thick. It could be because they don’t use their fuck heads at all. Any impure thought they try to block out.
But of course, they don’t hide anything from me. You see I am known to plop down on their beds in a sluttish frenzy claiming I need an exorcism or I am having a spiritual awakening of some kind.
When we kneel down to pray my ass is in the air along with some communion wine for lube! Its kind of cute how these fuckers try to pray not to have anal phone sex before they dive right in. As I said this is not a blog of forgiveness, but it is an open invitation to ram my ass.