Come on by the Stripper Club for a 2 girl phone sex slut dick dance! My young brat is the hottest fucking bitch in
this goddamn club. When we double up together, there is not one wallet that we can’t rape. The fucking whore really gives them a severe case of dick drip! She’s a confident fucking whore too. She walks up to the pole and rhythmically dances near it like it’s a fucking dick. Her legs part as she rolls down the pole. Her body is a slutty trance tool.
I can tell she has found her target. Someone to perform for. Spinning around I walk over to “Mr. DickPipe” and whisper in his ear. My words are long and wet. “ Do you want a private dance with a Mommy and Daughter?” I ask. He says we may be the special bitches he is looking for, and we agree to meet.
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I will be the first one to admit that my young brat could make the most devout husband lose his senses. Before he knows what is happening to him, he is on his back laid out with his cock in the air. One taste of honey from our pussy holes and he will give up what we want.
“Hubby’s” flesh pole is boiling over with lots of man chowder. If he had a happy marriage as he claimed those fucking man gravy bowls would be empty.
I knew then that my ankle biter had picked the right one. We tag team him with our pucker holes. Careful not to give him too much just a tease from 2 girl sluts. My daughter licks her lips, and I can see this bastard is not going to last much longer. While we are teasing him, I am looking through his wallet and getting all of what I want. Which means I am getting all of it! My daughter and I are well worth the price and we will work our bodies on every pole! Bring yours by for our naughty pussies!